Just recently I looked up a friend from high school, Matt. He's a crazy cat, and after hanging out w/ him last night I found that even after 6 years of no communication, we have a lot in common, even more than during highschool. Thursday I think we are going out to a local pub, should be fun!
Hehe... I am the proud owner of a new Olympus Evolt E-500 DSLR. I Havn't put it down for more than 15 minutes since I got it!
Here's some of my favorites so far...
Well, I don't own it, but my fiance has had a 1967 Volkswagen Beetle for some time now. Right now it's sitting in the carport collecting dust 'cause I havn't gotten off my ass and changed the points (apparently an easy thing to do).
Just recently though, I decided (and hoped Steph would concur, which she did) that I will restore the bug, not the shiny just outta the factory goodness, but a few steps up.Here you see the wheels I want to put on the bug, look closely. Yes that's right, they are ubercool Porsche wheels. Beyond that there is a whole slew of things I wanna do to the bug, first thing is new points, new window seals, and a new gastank. I will keep ya'll posted on the progress (I'll tell you now its gonna be slooooow).
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