Oregon Job Search Engine at Jobdango - Find Oregon Jobs
"The role of Psychological Operations is to alter the behavior of foreign populations in a manner consistent with United States diplomatic, national security and foreign policy objectives. A Psychological Operations Specialist is an information and media specialist who can assess the information needs of a target population and develop and deliver the ri..."
So, I'm moving to Portland soon, and in searching for jobs, steph found this...
Jobdango has expanded their services into Seattle. The #1 most popular and most visited local Jobsite and the largest Jobsite in the region has extended their amazing advertising that has been so successful for employers and jobseekers in Oregon and SW Washington into Northern Washington and specifically the Seattle Metro area.
In the last 3 years Jobdango has gone from a small start up to the largest and highest ranked jobsite in the region. They have thousands of jobs posted, and more being posted everyday, for local jobseekers to apply to. Better than that, Jobdango is the largest outdoor job advertiser in the region, they have amazing partners throughout the Northwest and they have spectacular strategic web placement. This guarantees employers that they will get the greatest possible exposure for their Northwest jobs when they post them at Jobdango.
With a commitment to serving the employers and jobseekers of Oregon and Washington, Jobdango has filled a gap for our local communities. Jobdango is providing quality tools and phenomenal customer service to bring Northwest employers together with the best pool of local clients.
Jobdango is not just another faceless corporation, it is a part of our community. Jobdango is focused on the Northwest and is using every tool, and even creating new ones, to bring local employers and jobseekers together.
Jobdango is simply the best!
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:40 p.m.
Hmmm... Spam with moxy! Yes, I like Jobdango too, 'tis helped much w/ the jobsearch in Portland.
Posted by
The King Asshat |
7:46 a.m.