My battle with cigarettes...
Sometimes seems to be a losing one, as I've started again. :( But, this too shall pass. I feel I've started again because of all the stress at work during this time of year, though that does sound like a pretty lame excuse huh?
yeah, tell me about it. :-\
Posted by
The King Asshat |
5:21 p.m.
My husband and I just quit. Again. He's back on patches and I'm just focusing on how much better my voice will be if I'm not smoking. But damn, I miss those beloved Camels.
Posted by
shara |
5:57 p.m.
-blues- Yeah, I will soon be back on the Nicatrol inhalers as soon as I receive my prescription refill. Unfortunatly my voice sounds the same whether I smoke or not, I'll be waiting to smell again
Posted by
The King Asshat |
6:34 p.m.