Got to go on another hike today (been a while), just went up to check on my
Got to go on another hike today (been a while), just went up to check on my
. There were a few spots of snow, not quite cold enough yet for a lot of it. Jan/Feb should provide more fruitfull for some snowy fun.
Sold my tables on ebay, got $700 for 'em. Now when I get the money for the wheels I sold (also sold the extra set of wheels I have for my car) I'll have the $1000 for my new camera setup. A merry christmas to me (even though I am not really celebrating it.)
This is horrendous! Time to start hacking my phone to FULLY disable the GPS tracking.
Check it out at>>> Bad Ruling on Cell Phone Tracking...
Sometimes seems to be a losing one, as I've started again. :( But, this too shall pass. I feel I've started again because of all the stress at work during this time of year, though that does sound like a pretty lame excuse huh?
"The role of Psychological Operations is to alter the behavior of foreign populations in a manner consistent with United States diplomatic, national security and foreign policy objectives. A Psychological Operations Specialist is an information and media specialist who can assess the information needs of a target population and develop and deliver the ri..."
So, I'm moving to Portland soon, and in searching for jobs, steph found this...
this is pretty crazy - i'm all for bringing down capitalism, but i don't think that urinating off of overpasses really helps. check out the idiots representing the santarchy* "movement".
i don't think that any anarchists** would be happy to hear about these guys claiming to do this stuff as a protest - i mean, come on guys, let's not pretend that this was anything more than a night of drunken dumbassery.
*"3 The annual Santacons are not anti-Christmas or
anti-commercialism protest events. Really, it's just a bunch of santas getting
together to have a good time.
4 We do not condone or encourage any kind of vandalism or violence at a Santacon
event. Our santas do not destroy property, steal merchandise, harm others or scare
children." from mini faq at
**"Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; it does not mean robbery, arson, etc. These
monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic features of capitalism.
Anarchism means peace and tranquility to all."
--August Spies, Haymarket anarchist. anarchy for anybody
"'Of all social theories Anarchism alone steadfastly proclaims that society exists
for man, not man for society. The sole legitimate purpose of society is to serve
the needs and advance the aspiration of the individual. Only by doing so can it
justify its existence and be an aid to progress and culture.'
-Emma Goldman
What comes to mind when you hear the word anarchy? Chaos and disorder? Bomb
throwers and assassins? Black clothes and combat boots? A common misunderstanding
is that anarchism is the total absence of order, that it is nihilism."
NY anarchists
"As both political philosophy and personal lifestyle, social anarchism promotes
community self-reliance, direct participation in political decision-making,
respect for nature, and nonviolent paths to peace and justice."
i don't think i can find the words to describe how scary this is.
Anatomy of a CIA Mistake
Yeah, I know, I'm blowin' it with the lack of new pictures. But at least theres some banter to read, yeah..yeah...oh.
I had three days off and didn't go hiking once. Meh, next week it'll happen.
"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."
'bout time... asshat Times Online article
Best sentence in a blog post EVaR!!!
I ran over a cat on the way into the office this morning. People should control their pets better.
i know it sounds horrible, but sometimes when you're feeling bad about yourself, you just have to find someone who's a little worse, and it's almost all better. feeling fat? hang out at the walmart or the mcdonalds in oroville, and watch all the people that make you look good. feeling ugly? look up pictures of tori spelling and think, "and that's what she looks like with makeup on". feeling like your leader is a dangerous, horrible, greedy, uneducated coke-snorting pestilence upon the world? read about iran.
I did it again, what can I say, I'm never quite happy w/ the layout... Whatdya think of this one?
I'm having technical difficulties w/ Picasa so I am unable to upload my recent hiking pics.
However, do not worry for I am working w/ google to resolve the problem.
Couldn't a said it better myself>>> L.A. Humbug: Why I Hate the Christmas Season :: :: LOS ANGELES SPEAKS HERE :: A public-access blog
I dunno if I'm slow on the uptake and everyone else already knows about this, but if you don't check it out, its cooool!
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Paid-For Iraq Stories Concern White House
WTF! What are these asshats trying to do? 1984 anyone? |
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